When the North Atlantic Trade Organization’s (NATO’s) military intervention ended a violent conflict in the erstwhile Yugoslavia, the geopolitical structure of the Balkan Peninsula witnessed several changes, and they became more apparent following the turn of the century. Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008, further altered the strategic realities of the space. As a landlocked nation in Southeast Europe, in the Western Balkans (WB), Kosovo occupies a central position in the sub-region, and it has exhibited aspirations for further European integration, apparent in its bid for the Council of Europe and alignment with NATO. The European Union, has likewise deemed the territory as a part of the “enlargement countries,” alongside many of its neighbors who currently stand apart from the EU. In the midst of prolonged tensions, Kosovo’s resilience has been noted in its development goals and the projection of its affairs on the global stage.
The World Bank has listed Kosovo as an upper-middle income country that has showcased good economic growth over the past decade, and since independence the country has reported a 35% lower poverty rate, alongside a 50% increase in its per capita income. Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as of 2023 was USD 10.5 billion, with its economy being supported by infrastructural investments from the public sector, fiscal stability, financial deepening and an inflow of remittance from its growing diaspora. In 2024, with stabilization of international prices, its GDP is projected to grow by 3.7%. Post the global pandemic and the following energy crisis, its GDP growth was attributed to private consumption and exports. Opportunities are now being seen in the fields of mining, its energy sector, ICT, waste management as well as a rising demand for telemedicine and other specialized health services. The state is also rich in lignite reserves, but it has to its credit attempted to develop a GHG (greenhouse gas) inventory to align its policy initiatives and legislation with the EU Climate Acquis. Moreover, while there are concerns regarding political instability, social justice, and inconsistencies in governance, as a young parliamentary republic, the state holds “credible and relatively well-administered” elections.
The Program
AIDIA has envisioned 'Prishtina Dialogue' as a flagship event for Kosovo to be jointly hosted by AIDIA, Kosovo's think tank and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora of Kosovo that is to be held every two years in Prishtina. The event aims to develop a more focused picture of how Kosovo has aimed to carve its standing on the map as a young country. The dialogue will bring leading think-tanks, media, business leaders and civil society at one venue for a comprehensive discussion on south Asia and central Asia connecting Balkan region.
Since its declaration of independence in 2008, Kosovo has become an active player in the Western Balkans, pursuing European integration while navigating complex geopolitical dynamics. Its economic growth, resilience in post-conflict recovery, and pursuit of strategic partnerships make Kosovo a compelling case study for global discourse. The Prishtina Dialogue Forum will serve as a platform to explore Kosovo’s evolving role and foster connections between the Balkans and South Asia.
The primary goal of the Prishtina Dialogue is to engage key state and non-state actors in meaningful discussions about Kosovo’s trajectory and its role within the Western Balkans and beyond.
The forum will feature discussion panels where experts will share insights on:
· Kosovo’s historical context by analyzing the state-building process, democratic transition, and their implications for the geopolitical landscape of the Western Balkans.
· International recognition and geostrategic role, examining Kosovo’s efforts towards gaining international recognition and its position within the broader Eurasian framework.
· Role of civil society and media, by discussing the contributions of state and non-state actors, particularly civil society and media, in promoting good governance, accountability, and safeguarding democracy and freedom of speech.
· Collaboration opportunities, by discussion and identifying potential areas for social, economic, and developmental cooperation between the Balkans and South Asia.
· This event will provide a unique platform for exchanging ideas, encouraging dialogue, and building new and long-term partnerships.
· Attendees from South Asia will gain valuable insights into Kosovo’s progress and potential, while participants from Kosovo will explore new avenues for cooperation beyond traditional geopolitical narratives.
09:30 – 10:00 Registration and coffee
Opening Session
10:00 – 10:15
Welcome Remarks
Ms. Leonora KRYEZIU - Executive Director at Prishtina Institute for Political
Studies (PIPS)
Opening Remarks
Mr. Sunil KC, Founder, The Asian Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs (AIDIA)
10:15 – 10:30
Keynote Remarks
Donika Gërvalla SCHWARZ- Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Kosovo
10:30 – 12:15
Panel 1: Democratic Governance: Perspectives and Experience from Kosovo and South Asia
Mr. Blerim SHALA - Former deputy and journalist-publicist
The Foreign Policy of State Recognition: Kosovo’s Diplomatic
Strategy to Join International Society
Mr. Gëzim VISOKA – Associated Professor in Dublin City University
Kosovo’s geostrategic role in the broader Eurasian framework:
Mr. Güner UREYA– Director of the Department for Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Kosovo
Amb. Jauhar SALEEM, President of the Institute of Regional Studies (Islamabad)
Dr. Manjari SINGH, Assistant Professor at Amity Institute of
International Studies, Amity University
Moderated by: Jeta LOSHAJ- Feiedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Kosovo and Kosovo Centre for Security Studies (KCSS)
13:30 – 15:00
Panel 2: The Role and Impact of State and Non-State Actors
The Role of Civil Society in Strengthening Democracy Through Internal and External Processes in Kosovo
Ms. Lura LIMANI– Executive Director at Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS)
Dr. Nihar NAYAK, Research Fellow, Manohar Parrikar Institute for
Defence Studies and Analysis (India)
Mr. Xhemajl REXHA – Executive Director of Association of Journalism in Kosovo
Mr. MD Rezaul KARIM
Moderated by: Leonora KRYEZIU – Executive Director, Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS)
15:15 – 16:30
Panel 3: Kosovo’s Economic Potential: Scope for Inter-Regional and Bilateral Cooperation
Kosovo's Economic Development and its key economic sectors: technology, energy, and tourism
Mr. Getuar Mjeku- Deputy Minister of Economy, Kosovo
Mr. Lulzim RAFUNA- Kosovo Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Visar Dobroshi, Managing Partner, RECURA
Mr. Ganesh Shah, Former Minister of Environment, Science and Technology, Nepal
Ms. Sulochana Ramiah Mohan, Deputy Editor, Ceylon Today (Sri Lanka)
Moderated by: Ms. Sytrime DERVISHOLLI - Business sector leaders
16:30 – 16:45
Closing Ceremony
Summarizing the key highlights of the event and acknowledging the speakers.
Ms. Leonora KRYEZIU - Executive Director at Prishtina Institute for Political
Studies (PIPS)
Ms. Sajina RAI- Program Director at AIDIA Nepal