
AIDIA-SADF JOINT WEBINAR on COVID-19 and EU-South Asia Relations


The imperative of serious global coordinated efforts is high to combat and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The two regional blocks EU and SAARC have been cooperating in multiple fronts. For instance, the EU is South Asia’s largest trading partner and a major development and aid partner. Correspondingly, the EU is also one of the observers of the SAARC.

In this joint webinar by AIDIA and SADF, a panel of experts from the EU and SAARC will discuss the respective regional responses to COVID-19 and how two regions should collaborate during and after the pandemic. Additionally, experts will also analyze the trade, economic, and development cooperation between EU and SAARC, and post-COVID-19 regional economic integration scenarios- especially in the backdrop of Brexit and long-stalled SAARC process.  


Event Details

Date: 4 June 2020

Time: 2:45PM NPT/11:00 AM CET 

For participation, please register here. For logistical reasons attendance via Zoom to the event will be limited to 100 attendees, to whom priority in Q&A will be given.


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